About Us

Joel Krause started Webb Electronics in 1986 in Lewisville, TX. As a result of his passion to develop new technology and improve systems he became an instant success in the Sports Video industry. Being and entrepreneur and helping people inspired the development of his most popular and revolutionary product, the Cowboy Remote.

Being a problem solver and helping people succeed is our company’s trade mark. Coaches Video, a child company of Webb Electronics, has served the coaching community for over 36 years of countless success. Coaches Video is a leading company in the industry due to the outstanding industrial quality of its products, functionality, ease of use, and innovative design.
Our mission is to bring the best products to the coaching industry, while providing exceptional value and offering the best customer service in the industry.

About the Founder

May of 2019, The Collegiate Sports Video Association (CSVA) awarded Joel Krause, Owner and Founder at Coaches Video, with the Sports Film and Video Hall of Fame in recognition for his dedication and accomplishments in the sports video profession.

Joel Krause grew up on a farm near Webb, Iowa and received a BS in Engineering from Iowa State University in 1981. Upon graduation, Westinghouse moved Joel to Odessa, TX where he experience “Friday Night Lights”. Later, he was transferred to Dallas, TX as Honeywell hired Joel away from Westinghouse.

Joel, started his first business in 1985. In 1986 he along with the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys, invented “The Cowboy Remote” and Webb Electronics was started.

In 1989, Krause became part of the game day video crew for the Dallas Cowboys and worked home and away games for 14+ years. He also worked with the NFL Replay officials traveling outside of the US as a technical assistant.

In 2014 Coaches Video was formed as a marketing arm of Webb Electronics.

During Krause’s 37+ years of inventing, manufacturing, and selling in the sports market, he has been able to attend 1,000s of athletic events including three Super Bowls, three Olympics. He has visited all 50 states (twice) and more than 50 countries in six continents.


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